Wall Art

Wall Art

Our prints are particularly well suited for making wall galleries. Here are some examples (click on a group to go to that set of prints):

NB The images on this page are not to scale. They are low resolution scans designed to give a visual impression. Click on a group to go to the images themselves which are full scans.

Royal Navy Uniforms
Early Aircraft
Collotypes of Great British Houses
Infantry Regimental Uniforms
Royal Navy Warships – Sail
Early Steam Locomotives
Early Busses and Trams (1863-1919)
Cutty Sark + 2 Native Sailers
(Link to Cutty Sark only)

The Light Brigade at Crimea
Loyal Infantry Volunteers of London by Thomas Rowlandson (1798)
Medieval Knights
Early Flintlock Pistols
Cavalry Regimental Uniforms (1705-1960)
Veteran Cars
Victorian Champion Dogs
Royal Artillery Uniforms
America’s Cup Yachts
Carriages, Landaus and Phaetons
Royal Navy Warships – Steam (1892-1917)
Vintage Cars (1919-1930)
Scottish Regimental Uniforms
Transatlantic Liners
Historic Racing Cars (1907-1960)
Paddle Steamers
English Sports Cars